Some things just show up in your way and you have to quickly decide if they are an opportunity you don’t wanna miss, or you it’s something not important to you. When it came to the SFFH club, that was just about it. One day, Silvan Stancel – the manager of the ”Lucian Blaga” Alba County Library – came to me and asked bluntly:
– What do you say about running a SF club?
He took me by surprise. Being a SF fan, the idea was obviously an interesting one. Still, I knew I had a very busy schedule, so I was not sure if I could take care of this project. More than that, I didn’t know exactly what was I suppose to do with it.
Well, I knew what I WASN’T going to do. I didn’t want to compete with to other marvelous projects of the library – the LecturAlba reading club lead by Felicia Colda and the Verbum writing club lead by Ana-Maria Pienar – though they had some common elements. I wasn’t also going to make it look like other Romanian SF clubs I knew. I mean no offense, but since my student’s years, when I’ve first seen one, I realised it was not my cup of tea.
I finally accepted the challenge and we took off in March. Previously, me and the manager had a long talk concerning the name of the club. And though we are both artists (he’s a singer) we chose a somehow pragmatic name: SF, Fantasy & Horror Club Alba. Well, we wanted Star Trek or Star Wars but we coudn’t get them, so…
We’ve already had two meetings, one in March and one in April. The first one was about the man of the future, while the second was focusing on the artificial intelligence – starting from the movie with the same name conceived by Kubrick and Spielberg. Both had a massive input from Rodica Chira who teaches at the local university in Alba Iulia.
We’ve only just begun, we’re still looking for the “common ground” – even though the SF, fantasy and horror genres may seem alike for the outsiders, the fans know they are pretty different. We’re still trying to make a regular fan base for the club, but hey! the time is by our side. 😉
PS: If you’re from Alba Iulia, please join the club, I don’t want to look bad in front of those people! 😀
PS2: In a serious note, if you like one of the three genres, the books, the movies, the games, or if you’re a writer – you’re most welcome! The meeting in May will be held on the 21th.