It’s been a long time since I wrote my last article. My schedule was pretty messed up, but I’ll try to catch up. 😉
So, let’s see what I’ve done during March and April…
- I was invited by the „Lucian Blaga” Alba County Library to start a SF, Fantasy & Horror Club Alba; we’ve already had two meatings;
- I attended my first international book fair, Livre Paris, with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute; I went there with my publisher, Bogdan Hrib, and spoke about the novel that I wrote with Jacky Schwartzmann, The Woman in the Trunk (Romanian title) or The Trunk (French version);
- I was invited by the French Institute to a literary meeting at the Kyralina Bookstore in Bucharest; we’ve talked about the Romanian and French literature;
- as part of the French-Romanian Season, I attended the Quais du Polar festival in Lyon; I was not alone, of course, but with my publisher, Bogdan Hrib; I had two conferences, I talked to publishers, literary agents and authors; I owe this project to the Romanian Literature National Musem, Quais du Polar and the French Institute;
- the association I’m working for and the local authorities organised an event to mark the International Day for Autism Awareness;
- Daniel Timariu and myself bought a stand at the Bookfest fair in Timisoara; we’ve invited other local authors to join us;
- I attended the 8th edition of the SF&F Final Frontier fair;
- I launched the second book in my fantasy/young series The Book of Chaos, The Crypts of Time;
- I contributed with a Homeless story to the Timisoara Noir anthology; it’s called The General’s Story;
- after publishing there almost two decades ago, I now have a new story in the „Discobolul” magazine: A car that Lasts Forever.
I hope I’ll have the time to talk about each one separately in the near future.
What I’m going to do in May:
- go to Mamaia at the Romantic Days festival;
- go to the Thessaloniki book fair with Lucia Verona and Bogdan Hrib, the other Romanian authors in the BalkaNoir anthology;
- participate as author at the East European Comic Con for the fourth year consecutively; this time, both Teodora Matei and Daniel Timariu will be by my side on the Artist Alley;
- Teodora Matei and myself will publish a new romance anthology, Sand Castles; I’ll also have a story inside, I’m Not Good at Telling Stories;
- we will have the third SFFH club reunion;
- I’ll be working on a fantasy story that takes place in the same universe as The Pale Stranger in Mirabilis.
Well, that’s about it. Fast forward. I’ll do my best to give it to you in slow motion, too. 😀